questions about the lab

We are always looking for new members to join our lab. If you are interested in joining the lab as a research assistant, please contact the lab coordinator. If you are interested joining the lab as a honours or 499 student, please contact Joshua Bourdage. If you have any questions regarding joining the lab as a graduate student, please feel free to contact Joshua Bourdage, or any of the listed graduate students.


For Industry collaboration inquiries

We love to work with industry partners to help disseminate the research that we do. Please contact the lab coordinator, or Joshua Bourdage, if you are interested in working together. In the past, we have worked with industry partners to assess organizational culture, improve the selection process, and assess leadership competencies of leaders. In addition, we have several ongoing research partnerships with organizations, to achieve a mutually beneficial goal of investigating novel research questions and maximizing organizational effectiveness in various domains.



Joshua Bourdage, Ph.D

OBII Lab Coordinator

OBII black version.png

Department of Psychology, Industrial-Organizational Psychology
2500 University Drive
Calgary, Canada
T2N 1N4